Why Themed Restaurants are Popular

Themed restaurants have become increasingly popular in recent years, as diners look for unique experiences that go beyond just food. The goal of these themed environments is to get diners off their phones and make them feel immersed in an experience. Social media has played a major role in the revival of themed restaurants, as photographing food and restaurants is commonplace, so having a unique or eye-catching theme can amplify your digital marketing strategy and get your business more visitors and attention, perhaps enough to go viral. These establishments are full of pop culture references to attract the next generation.

That is, they are usually configured to satisfy people's desire to eat in places that have something unique to offer (apart from food). Themed restaurants combine entertainment with food. The decor, menu, lighting, waiters' costumes, and music provide a distinctive dining experience. The success of the theme restaurant depends on selecting the right target market on which to focus your marketing and promotion efforts.

Different themes appeal to different target markets. For example, the Miracle of Science Bar and Grill is a science-themed restaurant in Cambridge, Massachusetts that appeals to both geeks and non-geeks alike. Every aspect of decorating is inspired by science, including tables and stools, which are like those seen in science labs in schools across the U. S.

UU. Medieval Times can personify the definition of dinner and entertainment. Housed in an 11th-century medieval Spanish castle, customers are served a four-course banquet, a full show with jousts, and an equine show with Andalusian horses (P, R, E) raised at the company-owned Chapel Creek Ranch. It even offers school field trips with downloadable educational materials provided by Medieval Times for teachers to educate their students about medieval culture and history. The Magic Castle in Los Angeles, California is home to the Academy of Magical Arts, an exclusive, private, membership-only organization for qualified magicians. The castle offers shows, guided tours, magic classes, a Houdini session and la pièce de résistance, a private dinner for members only.

We were fortunate to attend a function here thanks to a member of the family who was one of their esteemed magicians, and we can attest that it is an extraordinarily unique experience. The Stinking Rose is a garlic-themed restaurant in San Francisco, California. Their signature slogan? We season our garlic with food. According to SFGATE, the restaurant uses 1.5 tons of garlic a month and is home to the world's largest garlic braid. T-Rex Café is located in the heart of downtown Disney in Orlando, Florida and is a dinosaur-themed restaurant offered by the same company as Rainforest Café Landry's Inc. The restaurant has animatronic dinosaurs, a meteor shower, a paleo area where children can dig for fossils and a large souvenir shop with the Build-A-Dino by Build-A-Bear workshop. An urban population would support a high-tech futuristic theme because a significant number of potential customers are looking for a new gastronomic trend to enjoy, while diners in a smaller city in a more remote region may prefer topics that are more familiar to them.

Templates exist in many corners of the world, and restaurant owners don't need to reinvent the wheel to choose the right theme. Eataly has different collection of different restaurants and counters ranging from pizza and pasta restaurant to ice cream counter which offers seemingly endless variety of flavors. Then there are restaurants at theme parks such as Disney establishments in California and Florida. A barbecue restaurant with that well-defined Wild West theme developed over decades is easy to replicate. No matter what your restaurant is about or where you are located, food quality and consistently high service levels are key determinants of success. Restaurateurs are using this opportunity to inculcate the trend of themed restaurants and offer unique experiences to guests. When deciding what your new restaurant should look like consider first if it needs to have planned theme.

These themed restaurants share unique value proposition that is easily marketable, shareable and attracts crowd. For restaurants with less conspicuous themes such as The Pandorica which is “Doctor Who” -inspired restaurant in Beacon N. A nostalgic theme such as 1950s restaurant with jukebox soda fountain hamburger French fries menu with waitresses poodle skirts ponytails has great appeal at different age levels. One organization that has expertly capitalized on popularity of themed restaurants is Disney according CNBC. But one item you should include in your plan whether you have obvious topic or not is restaurant software. The restaurant is open to general public not just park customers something that makes it unique among restaurants that are part of amusement park.

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